St. Therese Parish - Fall Study on the Book of Revelation


Use the Link below to view the past livestreams. Please contact the parish office if you have any issues.

The Year-long 2024-25 Bible Study will be the Book of Revelation as seen thru the lens of the Mass

Check back in early August to register for this year-long adult Bible study.

The Tuesday sessions will be in-person in the morning (9-11am) and evening (6:30-8:30pm). If you cannot attend one of the sessions, they will be livestreamed.

Bible Study dates: Sep 17, Oct 8 & 29, Nov 12 & 19, Dec 3 & 10, Jan 7 & 21, Feb 4 & 18, Mar 4 & 25, Apr 1 & 22, May 6, 20, & 27.

The videos will be found using the 2024-25 Revelation Videos button above.

Below will be the lesson slides and reflection questions for your small groups.

September 17

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for October 8

The Religion of the Day Study — Winter/Spring 2024

Father Andrie’s next study will be using the book, “The Religion of the Day.” The first line in the book really says it all, “IT IS POSSIBLE to do many Catholic things, and yet not have a Catholic mind. This is especially true in our post-Christian age.” Small groups will be formed using the same format as previous Bible studies. The cost is $20 which includes your book and materials. This Study will meet on February 6, 20; March 5, 26; April 16, 30; May 7 and 21 (this is now an official day, not a back-up day). The Tuesday sessions will be in-person in the morning (9-11am) and evening (6:30-8:30pm). If you cannot attend one of the sessions, they will be livestreamed.

The videos will be found using the Religion of the Day Videos button above.

Below will be the lesson slides and reflection questions for your small groups.

May 21

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

May 7

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for May 21st

April 30

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for May 7th

April 16

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for April 30th

March 26

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for April 16th-revised

March 5

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for March 26th

February 20

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for March 5th

February 6

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for February 20th

Spiritual Warfare Study Fall 2023

Spiritual Warfare Study

Father Andrie and Brendan McInerny will help us see the signs of Spiritual Warfare that are so prevalent at a time when many Christians are no longer practicing their faith. Small groups will be formed using the same format as previous Bible studies. The cost is $20 which includes your book and materials. This Study will meet on September 19, October 3 and 17, November 14 and 28, and December 5. The Tuesday sessions will be in-person in the morning (9-11am) and evening (6:30-8:30). If you cannot attend one of the sessions, they will be livestreamed.

The videos will be found using the Spiritual Warfare Videos button above.

Below will be the lesson slides and reflection questions for your small groups.

December 5

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

November 28

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides—Updated

Reflection Questions to Prepare for December 5th

Exorcism Intake Questionnaire

November 14

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for November 28th

October 17

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for November 14th

October 3

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for October 17th

September 19

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for October 3rd

Philippians Bible Study 2023

Philippians Bible Study

Below are the lesson slides and reflection questions for small groups.

May 30

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

May 16

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for May 30th

May 2

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for May 16th

April 18

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Introductory Discussion Questions for Week 1

Reflection Questions to Prepare for May 2nd

Vatican II Study Series 2022-23

Vatican II Study Series

Father Andrie and Brendan McInerny took us through the four key texts of the Second Vatican council. The morning session videos can be found using the Vatican II Videos button above.

Below are the lesson slides and small group reflection questions.

December 13 — Last Session

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

December 6

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for December 13th

November 15 — Has been postponed to November 29th

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for December 6th

October 18

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for November 15thUse these questions for the November 29th session. Thank you!

October 4

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for October 18th

September 20

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Reflection Questions to Prepare for October 4th

2021-22 Walk Through the History of the Catholic Church Study Materials

A Walk Through the History of the Catholic Church Study with Father Andrie 2021-22

May 31

Chapter 10 - Please remember to take notes as Father presents his material. You may wish to print Father’s slides to help you take notes. Blank paper is in your binders and more will be on your tables for those attending in-person.

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 10 Timeless. Read pages 521-538—Hope and Mercy. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

May 17

Chapter 9 Part II - Please remember to take notes as Father presents his material. You may wish to print Father’s slides to help you take notes. Blank paper is in your binders and more will be on your tables for those attending in-person.

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 9 Part II Timeless. Read pages 493-520—The Modern Attack. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

May 3

Chapter 9 Part I - Please remember to take notes as Father presents his material. You may wish to print Father’s slides to help you take notes. Blank paper is in your binders and more will be on your tables for those attending in-person.

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 9 Part I Timeless. Read pages 469-493—The Modern Attack. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

April 19

Chapter 8 - Please remember to take notes as Father presents his material. You may wish to print Father’s slides to help you take notes. Blank paper is in your binders and more will be on your tables for those attending in-person.

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 8 Timeless. Read pages 427-468—The Great Reform. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

April 5

Chapter 7 Part II - Please remember to take notes as Father presents his material. You may wish to print Father’s slides to help you take notes. Blank paper is in your binders and more will be on your tables for those attending in-person.

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 7 Part II Timeless. Read pages 376-425—The Great Divorce - Revolt Against the Church. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

March 22

Chapter 7 Part I - Please remember to take notes as Father presents his material. You may wish to print Father’s slides to help you take notes. Blank paper is in your binders and more will be on your tables for those attending in-person.

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 7 Part I Timeless. Read pages 333-376—The Great Divorce - Revolt Against the Church. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

March 8

Chapter 6 - Please remember to take notes as Father presents his material. You may wish to print Father’s slides to help you take notes. Blank paper is in your binders and more will be on your tables for those attending in-person.

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 6 Timeless. Read pages 281-331—The Family Weakens - Prelude to Division. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

March 1 (This week is our catchup date to get us back on track with our schedule.)

Chapter 5 Part II- Please remember to take notes as Father presents his material. You may wish to use Father’s slides to help you take notes. Blank paper is in your binders and more will be on your tables for those attending in-person.

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 5 Part II in Timeless. Read pages 243-280—Cathedrals & Crusades. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

Supplemental Reference—REVISED Timeline Chart by week.

February 15 (We will meet again on Tuesday, March 1st for the second half of Chapter 5.)

Chapter 5 Part I- Please remember to take notes as Father presents his material. You may wish to use Father’s slides to help you take notes. Blank paper is in your binders and more will be on your tables for those attending in-person.

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 5 Part I in Timeless. Read pages 201-243—Cathedrals & Crusades. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

February 1

Chapter 4 Part II- Please remember to take notes as Father presents his material. You are welcome to watch his presentation as many times as you wish. Blank paper is in your binders and more will be on your tables for those attending in-person.

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 4 Part II in Timeless. Read pages 171-200—Bright Lights in a Dark Time & Review. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

January 18

Chapter 4 Part I- There will be no chapter notes going forward - blank paper is in your binders to take notes as Father gives his talk. More will be provided on your tables.

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 4 Part I in Timeless. Read pages 147-171—Bright Lights in a Dark Time. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

January 11

Chapter 3 Part II - Father Andrie’s chapter notes

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 3 Part II in Timeless. Read pages 113-146—Conversions Part II. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

December 21 (Rescheduled from December 7)

Chapter 3 Part I - Father Andrie’s chapter notes

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 3 Part I in Timeless. Read pages 80-113—Conversions Part I. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

November 30

Chapter 2 - Father Andrie’s chapter notes

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Chapter 2 in Timeless. Read pages 37-79—The Empire and the Church. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

November 16

Chapter 1 - Father Andrie’s chapter notes

Father Andrie’s PowerPoint Slides

Supplemental References—Dawson: Six Ages of the Western Church

The Six Ages of the Church

Chapter 1 in Timeless. Read pages 25-35—The Beginning. The Reflection Questions are in your binder.

Previous Bible Studies with Fr. Andrie

Acts of the Apostles Bible Study with Father Andrie 2020-21

Luke Bible Study with Father Andrie 2019-20

Gospel of Mark Bible Study 2018-19