Homebound Eucharist

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest and deacon in distributing the Precious Body and Blood of the Lord. Those interested in becoming an Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should be baptized, confirmed parishioners of St. Therese and have a love and reverence of the Eucharist.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned for a 3-year term by the pastor, as per the directives of the archbishop.

To volunteer for this ministry please contact the Parish Office at 952-473-4422.

The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion - Notes for Training at the Parish

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Procedures for appointment

Code of Conduct

Ecclesia de Eucharistia (The Church from the Eucharist)

Protecting Vulnerable Adults

Many people give of their time and talent in parish ministry to our brothers and sisters who are elderly, suffering from illness or living with disability. In order to ensure clear understanding of roles and boundaries, proper screening, and good support for those engaging in ministry with vulnerable adults, the archdiocese requires all Assisted Care Facility, Homebound and Hospital Eucharistic Minister volunteers who have either regular or unsupervised interaction with vulnerable adults to participate in our Safe Environment Program.

Please contact Mary Dobson with questions about the Safe Environment program. mdobson@st-therese.org I 952.261.0577